Sunday, October 12, 2008


Does telling your greatest fear provoke screaming laughter from friends? Is your pet peeve your sister’s goal in life? Are you mad at your dog?

According to the U.S. Population Clock there are over 6 billion people in the world, and I’ll bet each one of them could use a laugh today. I asked several people before class who is funny on tv or in the movies. I got a standard list of names. But my son said, “Mom, who cares? I would love to see some new comedians. We don’t need another Steve Martin or Robin Williams or Roseanne or Homer Simpson. The market is wide open.”

People have said to me all of my life and probably to you, “You're funny. You should write this down.” I took a few classes, and I finally did. I make money writing humorous essays for magazines and newspapers. I won my first short story slam and performed standup comedy in Austin. I had fun doing it. Sometimes I laugh when I write. Sometimes I cry. But, I found my passion and kept churning it out. The world needs to get serious about lightening up.
Comedians are needed. You are needed.

This seminar uses a five-step West Coast technique to massage your mind, discover your voice, and understand your audience. Today you will generate an abundance of material for a humorous essay or an opening act.

exerpt from Oklahoma Writing Project Seminar at Oklahoma City University

Oklahoma Writing Project

National Writing Project


maryt said...

Thanks for providing the resources. I've been thinking that it's high time to start making my own entertainment. Perhaps you've given me the first step in that direction. Well, aside from turning off the t.v.!

Chris & Erin said...
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Chris & Erin said...

Do you ever travel out of state for speaking engagements? I'm involved with an unbelievably hilarious group of young women that should definitely learn or be inspired to write down the hilarity they experience and create!

ClaireOKC said...

O I can't write worth a darn....but when times get tough, for some reason I can turn everything into a joke and it really is funny. I go back and read it and it's hilarious. I'm to impatient to work up the reader into a good lather which is what every good author needs!