Sunday, November 16, 2008

Write Your Story then Tell Me What Happens!


Once upon a time there was a person named _________________

_____________________________. Secretly, she wished that she
(my name)

(one different life)

One time I saw her _________________________________. Next
(a thing I enjoy doing)

thing I knew she was ______________________________________.
(one of the tiny changes)

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if she went wild and

(something I don't have to do perfectly)

As matter of fact, I'd like it if she did that. I might just try

a few new things myself.


ClaireOKC said...

MY FIRST SHORT, SHORT STORY (AKA Oh Boy, Oh Boy, I've Been Wanting to Do This For A Long Time, But I'm Way Too Verbose!!!)

Once upon a time there was a person named Elizabeth . Secretly, she wished that she was a street watercolor artist . One time I saw her painting beautiful portraits well . Next thing I knew she was abstracting all her works . Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if she went wild and did laundry . As matter of fact, I'd like it if she did that. I might just try a few new things myself.

LCG said...

Once upon a time there was a person named Andrea. Secretly, she wished she lived in a mushroom and fed off of the remnants of fallen stars and drops of dew. One time I saw her picking sweet pea flowers in her tutu and toe shoes. Next thing I knew she was dancing with dragons. Frankly, it wouldn't suprise me if she went wild and decided to live in reality. As a matter of fact, I'd like it if she did that. I might just try a few new things myself.